5 Best Ways How Do I Fix The Touchscreen on My HP Printer

How Do I Fix The Touchscreen on My HP Printer – Some high-end printers from HP usually have the touch screen panel feature that enables you to have a faster, easier interface, helping you to access all of its functions with ease of one touch. Like many other printer brands, HP itself has been releasing a lot of models for touchscreen panel printers. In this article, we are going to show you How Do Fix The Touchscreen on Your HP Printer if it is not working properly.

HP is one of the most popular brands for the printer, and they have been releasing a lot of solid models for printers, with various quality of life, and technologies. HP has endured the test of time, as a trusted, and better-performance printer, thanks to its overall good performance, efficiency, and capabilities. HP has been releasing many models that have touchscreen panel features for its user interface for years ago.

One problem with the touchscreen panel though, sometimes after a long service time the printer, some touch screen has been malfunctioned, and won’t respond at all to the touch. It can be such a nuisance, especially if you are in such a hurry position. Luckily, there are many emergency buttons you can push to finish your document in case of an emergency.

So, in this article, we are going to tell you all about printer panel touchscreen, what causes them errors, and the easy way to fix them. These are 100% working guides on How Do I Fix The Touchscreen on My HP Printer and an easy working solution that you can do for yourself.

What Causing The Printer Touchscreen Panel Not To Work Properly?

Many things might cause the touch screen panel to not work properly, from the old touchscreen panels, physical damage, damage in LED sensors, as well as many errors and wrong internal configuration that causes the touch screen to not activated, and not respond well.

How to Fix HP Printer Touch Screen Not Working

Sometimes, external factors when you touch the screen panel might also affect how well it responds, like when you touch it with dirty or wet hands. So, make sure to touch the touchscreen panel with a dry hand, and make sure to wipe out dirt, oil, and grease in your hand before touching any of the printer components.

Read Also: How To Fix Ink System Failure on HP Printer

How Do We Fix The Printer Touchscreen Panel That Not Working Properly?

So, these are effective solutions on how to make sure the touch screen should work properly. Remember to always check on the printer’s necessary cable, make sure that it is well connected to a power source, as well as prevent any physical damage to the touch screen since the panel itself is quite fragile.

So, these are easy solutions on How to Fix HP Printer Touch Screen Not Working:

1. Restart Your Printer

The first and easiest solution is by restarting your printer. Sometimes, the touch screen panel isn’t working due to the overload of work, and therefore the printer needs to be disconnected and restarted for it to work again. Sometimes, the best solution for every technology is by turning it off and then on again.

Disconnect all of the cables, including the power cords, and USB cord if there are one. This will force the printer to restart, by turning it off. Let the printer rest for a while before turning it on again.

2. Check on The Power Cord

HP touch screen, not working can also be caused by the faulty power cord. This is causing the printer to not have a sufficient power supply to run and therefore would malfunction its touch screen panel.

This problem is mostly caused if you are using a non-genuine power cord, as such, it has a different voltage, and power compared with the original power cord that the HP printer provided.

3. Download and Update Your Printer Drivers

If you don’t update your printer driver, or using the wrong faulty driver for your printer, this might be the case, as it sometimes hamper and make error on the touch screen panel of the printer. By downloading and or updating your printer driver, this should fix the problems of your printer touch screen panel.

You can download the HP printer driver in the driver download link, or you can also use driver download link provided in HP website.

How Do I Fix The Touchscreen on My HP Printer

4. Get New Firmware

Lack of the newest firmware might also cause some issues with the touchscreen panel, hence you will need to update, or get new firmware. Make sure to uninstall the old firmware first, before you install and get the new firmware for your printer.

5. Test for The Unresponsive Screen

After giving all of the solutions on How Do I Fix The Touchscreen on My HP Printer, you can test out the unresponsive screen of your touch screen panel. See of the problem has been fixed, or still persist. If the problem persist, consult with your printer technician in order to get your printer checked up.

If you are searching for a tutorial to make your HP printer a sublimation printer, here’s the guide: How to Convert HP Printer to Sublimation Printer.

Images Source: Youtube Natalie Bell and HP.com